Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Social Media Automation For Zazzle Products With OnlyWire

Social Media Automation For Zazzle Products With OnlyWire

The Free Service is fine for most (300 postings per month - each service is a posting)   I highly recommend that you consider joining some new services and social media sites. With Onlywire you post once and your links can be posted on up to 50 different social media sites at once.  It has been a great time saver for me.

To set up OnlyWire
  1. Sign up for a
    Publish Post
    free account
  2. Download the Submitter
  3. Enter all of your user ids and passwords for the services you belong to
  4. Click on Post
  5. Click on Services
  6. Enter your user ids and passwords for the services
To Post Using OnlyWire:
  1. Click Post
  2. Enter Title
  3. Enter URL
  4. Enter Tags
  5. If posting to Facebook you need to enter status or updates
  6. Click Submit
  7. Check that your postings went through by checking history and looking for success.  Click Resend on any that were not successful.