Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Social Media Automation For Zazzle - Twitterfeed

    Social Media Automation For Zazzle

I used to post my new Zazzle product manually to Twitter and it was time consuming.  Then I found Twitterfeed and automated the process of posting my new products to Twitter and it saves me alot of time.  Here are step by step instructions on how to set up Twitterfeed:
  1. Sign up for a free account at
  2. Log into Twitterfeed
  3. Click Create New Service  
  4. Enter the name of your Zazzle Store
  5. Twitterfeed
  6. Enter your Zazzle RSS Feed with your referral code   
  7. Click on Advanced  
  8. Change Number of Items to Post to 3
  9. Scroll down to suffix and add the hash tags you would use when posting your items to Twitter
  10. Scroll down, click Continue to Step 2
  11. Click on Twitter then click All Done (2nd arrow)
  12. Twitterfeed 
  13. Next you should see a screen like this one 
  14. Twitterfeed
  15. Click Dashboard
  16. Now go to Zazzle and create a new product
  17. Check Twitter in about 30 minuters to make sure that your new Zazzle product posts

Custom Wrapped Canvas

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Social Media Automation For Zazzle Products With OnlyWire

Social Media Automation For Zazzle Products With OnlyWire

The Free Service is fine for most (300 postings per month - each service is a posting)   I highly recommend that you consider joining some new services and social media sites. With Onlywire you post once and your links can be posted on up to 50 different social media sites at once.  It has been a great time saver for me.

To set up OnlyWire
  1. Sign up for a
    Publish Post
    free account
  2. Download the Submitter
  3. Enter all of your user ids and passwords for the services you belong to
  4. Click on Post
  5. Click on Services
  6. Enter your user ids and passwords for the services
To Post Using OnlyWire:
  1. Click Post
  2. Enter Title
  3. Enter URL
  4. Enter Tags
  5. If posting to Facebook you need to enter status or updates
  6. Click Submit
  7. Check that your postings went through by checking history and looking for success.  Click Resend on any that were not successful.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

My Favorite Affiliate Marketing Programs

Affiliate marketing is one of my favorite ways to make passive income online.    My experience is that making money through affiliate marketing programs is not an easy task and is definitely  not passive income.   It has taken me alot of work to get it going but I am happy to report that I am now earning regular affiliate commissions mostly from Amazon and Zazzle and only occasionally from other programs.   But once you find out what works for you then it is easy to replicate your process with different programs.   My favorite affiliate programs include:
  • The Zazzle Affiliate program
  • Google Affiliate Network (GAN)
  • Share A Sale
  • Amazon (low commission percentage but almost everyone shops on Amazon so good from that point of view)
  • Commission Junction

What is your favorite affiliate marketing program?  Please leave a comment below to let me know.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Friend on the Move

The Author of this post is Solomon Dejesus

Friends are one of life’s greatest gifts and assets! One of my closest friends has lived around the corner from me for a long time, several years in fact. Since we are both empty nesters and single, we spend a lot of time together shopping, dining out, even vacationing. We are so much alike that it is a bit eerie, almost as if we were twins separated at birth – although we look nothing alike! Our tastes are quite different but our habits are exactly alike. One difference in us is that she just purchased a home way out in the country, about a 30 minute drive from our current neighborhood. She is an internet fanatic and depends on it to do her accounting job (she works from home). When we talked about the move I asked her if she checked intorural internet service providersbefore she signed on the dotted line. She had and she loves the fact that the house has an office in it so she won’t have to convert a room into one.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Up All Night

Thanks to Erasmo Cortez

My husband and I have started watching a hilarious show called Up All Night. I am so glad that we got satellite TV from so we could put this show on our DVR. The show is about a couple who has a baby and the husband stays at home with the baby because the wife had a higher paying job and wanted to go back to work after the baby was born. Each episode is about the struggles of raising a baby, such as lack of sleep, grandparent input, and financial strain. Because my husband and I have two young children, we can relate to the show so well. There was one episode that we thought was really funny about leaving the baby with an overnight babysitter for the first time. The couple left the baby with the wife’s boss and she called them and asked where the baby likes to hide. She was joking, but it reminded me of when we left our son overnight for the first time. We left him with my mom so my husband and I could get a good night’s sleep. My mom ended up calling me at midnight to say that our son would not take a bottle and had been crying for over two hours. Needless to say, I had to go to my parent’s house and spend the rest of the night with them. I like Up All Night because it makes us feel like we are not the only parents who go through these types of issues.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

At Home…

Author:  Elias Massey

When I went to it was with the intention of getting BRAVO because so many people at my office were talking about it. A strange thing happened, though, and I got engaged shortly after so now I spend all my time in front of the TV watching wedding show after wedding show. My favorite is the Ultimate Wedding Show with David Tutera because he’s got so many great ideas about things to do to make your wedding really unique. I don’t know where in the world he got the idea to do a guest book out of smooth rocks instead of an actual guest book but I think that’s just the coolest thing I’ve ever heard of and I can’t wait to find out more! I just wish our big day would get here sooner, to be honest with you, since thinking about weddings is just about all I feel like I do anymore. I know that sounds like whining and I guess it is, but I just never thought I’d get so sick of this process!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The gAdget Obsession

I appreciate the guest post, Marian Combs

Working from home is great but I tell you one thing, it’s gotten me really addicted to shopping online. I don’t shop for clothes, though, I like to look at gadgets! Since I’m always in touch with the clients and my office I’ve got all kinds of little communication gizmos that help me… I was one of my first friends to have an iPad and of course I’ve got ever version of the Droid they make. I guess you could call me a gadget hoarder! I went online to look at directTV last week and decided I have to have it too, if only because that’s one gadget I know my wife can get behind. She can watch all her sappy BRAVO shows and I’ll get all the big games on my already huge TV – what’s not to love? I’ve been looking for my next purchase and I think this is it but if my wife knew how little time I’ve been working this week she would haul off and kill me!